Covington Dermatologist Advice – How to Prepare For Fillers


When people get older, the skin’s elasticity starts to decline, meaning that your youthful radiance also starts to wane. Fillers are an obvious choice to combat the problem and in this blog, we aim to make them less scary by providing some Covington dermatologist advice on what to expect and how to prepare.

Dermal fillers can be used to treat most areas of the face, including the lips, as they’re the main areas in which people are vulnerable to lines and wrinkles. Rejuvenating the appearance by making deep folds and wrinkles much less noticeable, it’s not hard to see why the treatment is as popular as it is. 

While fillers are great for this purpose, what you do before you have them can majorly influence the results you get from the treatment, so come with us now as we explain how to ensure you get the absolute most out of having it done.

Making The Right Preparation

Ok, so our first piece of Covington dermatologist advice on the subject is prepare yourself mentally, as you will be having injections in your face. It’s important to say that dermal fillers are mostly painless, incredibly safe and most often come with little or no side effects, but it’s still a good idea to brace yourself – particularly if you have any kind aversion to needles.

Perhaps the most effective way to prepare yourself physically is to ensure that you’re rested, hydrated and as healthy overall as you can be. Your facial skin, in particular, should be a focus for you, ensuring that you keep it in good condition and well moisturized. 

While it doesn’t present any safety issues, it’s not advisable to have fillers when you have any current breakouts. Blackheads, whiteheads and spots in general can result in pain during the treatment – so it’s not what you or the practitioner wants. The same Covington dermatologist guidance applies when talking about other skin issues like psoriasis and eczema. 

Keeping Bruising/Swelling to a Minimum

The types of side effects that are associated with fillers include bruising and swelling, however, there are a few things you can do to ensure that they don’t happen to you. You can greatly reduce these effects by doing the following:

  • Ensuring you limit your alcohol intake in the lead up to the treatment, with zero consumption on the night before you got to the clinic
  • Avoid the consumption of aspirin, vitamin E and strong painkillers like NSAIDs and ibuprofen, as bruising is more likely
  • Try not to engage in strenuous activity, due to the fact increased blood flow can increase the likelihood of experiencing bruising at the point of injection

Prior to your treatment, it’s important to get lots of rest and do everything you can to have a stress-free time in the hours leading up to having fillers administered. You’ll be required to arrive at your appointment without any makeup on too, as local disinfection is required.

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Do All This & Your Chances Of Great Results Improves Greatly

This Covington dermatologist advice is proven to help minimise the aforementioned side effects and it really is as simple as the steps mentioned here.

For most, fillers are extremely safe, virtually painless and very effective at minimising the appearance of wrinkles and lines. Follow the steps mentioned here and you’ll greatly improve the chances of you getting the very best results. 

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