How Microlearning Can Boost Businesses


According to Miller’s Law, at any given point in time, the human brain can retain seven pieces of information. As more millennials join the workforce in huge numbers, we undertake one of the greatest transfers of knowledge known to man. With the shift from deep to hyper attention, this cannot be an easy process. This is where microlearning comes into the picture. This relatively novel method can help drive business value and boost professional development.

How Does Microlearning Work?

The principle behind this style of learning is effectively micro-dosing loads of content. So rather than focusing on taking in large quantities of content at a single time, break them into bite-sized pieces.

So instead of attending a full-day training session to learn specific concepts, divide them into videos and infographics that elucidate about them in just no time.

This gives people the opportunity to learn meticulous notions in the shortest duration without losing their efficiency. Since the material is focused, it is easy to grasp and remember.

The first thing that needs to be clarified is we are not talking about a shorter course delivered on a mobile device. This method is a complete deviation from the very design of “courses .”Unlike just a larger online course divided into pieces, this focuses on applying shorter ideas immediately after they are taught. The goal is to capitalize on smaller training opportunities than forcing the employees to commit for long periods.

This is built around the learner’s actual learning cycles. Instead of overlooking the subject after a longer training, learners continue to access the resources as they need them. The constant repetition of the information helps in long-term retention.

Businesses can include :

  • A short tutorial that covers the point-of-sale system for new recruits.
  • An online resource library of videos under five minutes that workers can access when they need to complete a task
  • A gamified app with quizzes, information pop up boxes, and challenges for greater engagement by employees
  • A video under ten minutes followed by a quiz to when a new product or service is being introduced
  • Ongoing and on-demand small modules for advanced job-related skills that are accessible at all times

What is in it for the Business?

  • Easy Development

When formulating a course, it is easier for the developer to arrange smaller bits of information. Once the template is in place, the compilation and production become much faster than a traditional course. Code of Talent has produced award-winning platforms that target the easy delivery of accurate information. This makes it effortless to produce a high-quality interactive course in a surprisingly brief time. Ultimately, it reduces costs significantly and makes it easier for businesses to produce more.

  • Easier to Update existing courses

The nature of growing industries is constant change and development. For larger courses, this is a significant disadvantage. Any new development renders the existing courses out of date. That is a significant irrecoverable cost gone in production and time. With smaller elements, businesses can easily add new information. This is much less expensive as there is little spent on new production. Employees remain abreast with industry developments without huge undertakings by the business.

  • Accessibility and Interest

A large course that requires hours of constant commitment can become intimidating for a person. When we see a lecture of two hours, the immediate reaction is anxiety and dread. This is not the case with multiple smaller elements panned across time. For employees, this can be a game-changer.

When the same content is presented in a gamified manner, it becomes an interesting activity that gives a taker much higher gratification. Microlearning for business presents their courses in a fashion that does not overwhelm the employee. This helps with maintaining interest and increasing accessibility.

Also read: 6 Ways to Boost the Efficiency of Your Business

  • Higher Rates of Completion

When information is presented in smaller packets, and the course becomes accessible to the learner, chances of completion increase manifold. By removing the barrier of having to block out a large chunk on time for committing, the probabilities for completion are increased significantly, which makes the delivery vehicle extremely effective.

  • Flexibility of Schedule

It is much easier to incorporate microlearning on the go. Is the online learning system mobile? If yes, then learners are not confined to any place to end a course. With smartphones being almost pervasive, the business can use the high levels of technologies and help learners obtain micro lessons via their own devices. This can happen on public transport, during a smoke break, or even at lunch. The learners retain control of their schedule while keeping updated on the new information.

  • It is more effective

When the entire workforce is via a training session, the expectations must be realistic. Its effectiveness is difficult to quantify at the best of times. Assume that there are elements in a teaching strategy that are more effective than others. If a course has prevented encumbering learners’ memory, it becomes more effective in retaining the information. Similarly, a successful course doesn’t stretch the attention span of the learner. If it’s collaborative and is easy to use, then all your best teaching practices have been incorporated, increasing the chances of success.

  • Ideal for repetition and spacing

The famous Ebbinghaus Forgetting Curve states that our brains start losing information the moment you learn it. That is why it becomes crucial to fortify learning over some time. But to keep taking one particular course over and over again seems to be pointless and exhausting. Even a one-off lecture or a long training video is not something we can watch repeatedly. This is not the problem with digestible bits of information. This can be gone multiple times, making it best for slowly building skills, behaviours and also habits.

The Bottom Line

Modern learning is crucial to better prepare employees with the knowledge and skills they need to do their job. This modern online learning system progresses learners’ retention and efficiency through content precision, flexible modules, interactive learning, and faster delivery of learning. Ultimately, this allows companies to be cost-effective in their knowledge dispersal and ensures development for the employees.

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