Hiring Guide for Businesses- Why Companies put Candidates on ‘Do-Not-Hire-List’?


“Acquiring the right talent is the most important key to growth. Hiring was – and still is – the most important thing we do.”  –   Marc Benioff (Founder and Chairman & Co-CEO of SalesForce)

There are many perks of being a part of the recruitment industry. It gives you the opportunity to play an active role in people-focused communities with cutting-edge parameters to brush up your evaluation skills. This way, you get good exposure to people’s perspectives towards their careers and lives.

Isn’t something interesting?

Well, these interests often turn into a nagging headache when you have to deal with hundreds and thousands of applications every day. Fortunately, there are many ways like do-not-hire-list to save you from this hassle.

What is this do-not-hire-list all about?

Many ventures create and continue updating this ‘do-not-hire-list’ to limit the number of applicants to their forthcoming vacancies. It can be considered as one of the candidate filters simplifying your hiring process effectively.

This master list contains a string of prospective candidates whom the human resources department flags as inappropriate, especially for a particular role and responsibility. There are chances many companies may put the selected profiles on an ATS (applicant tracking system), which automatically removes the application from the overall record.

What are the most common reasons for an applicant to be on a ‘do-not-hire-list’?

Being on the ‘do-not-hire-list’ is likely to impact the overall potential employment chances. Therefore, it’s essential to understand what it is to be on this list and how to overcome it. But before that, let’s sail through some circumstances that may put you on this list for sure-

1 – Unexpectedly poor job interview experience – There can be plenty of reasons behind an interview not going well. Some common reasons include not containing the required skill set, not being well prepared for the asked questions, not representing yourself at your best, not meeting the interviewer’s expectations, and much more.

These reasons often make the human resource manager put the candidate on the ‘do-not-hire-list’ for some obvious reasons. But that does not mean you will look down on your skill set and knowledge. Surf through other companies and schedule an interview with a prepared mindset.

2 – Job hopping – Human resource managers are common to receive candidates with multiple companies listed on their resumes. This happens when you see a static pattern of changing companies frequently in a year or two. Sometimes, this is a clear result of the company laying off the candidate. Therefore, Job hopping can be one of the factors putting a question on your stability factor. This is likely to make a human resource manager feel uncertain about proceeding with your profile.

3 – False information listed on the resume – HR professionals finding false information on the resume are obvious to lose the trust factor initially. Companies look for a candidate with solid and trustworthy ethical standards. In such a scenario, finding false information can be one of the most prominent trust issues.

4 – Employee background raised questions – Every employer or human resource manager processes a candidature further after a thorough background check. This is required to maintain a required decorum in the workplace without hampering anyone’s peace of mind. Such reviews prove necessary to avoid any discrepancies in the hiring process.

The primary focus is to see if the employee had a history of legal issues or fraud cases involvement. This can put a huge question on the candidate’s resume.

5 – Using a job offer as leverage – The lure of finding a high-paying job is likely to make a candidate run after different job opportunities at the same time. This makes candidates hold multiple offer letters at one time. And later prefer the one offering maximum pay-scale. No wonder it’s wise from your financial perspective, but at the same time, it may question your work ethic.

How long do you stay on the ‘do-not-hire-list’?

The overall length of staying on this list depends on the reason. If the employer has put you on this list due to lack of expertise, you are likely to be removed in a few months or a year. But when it comes to sensitive reasons like fraud and legal case involvement found in the employee background check, the candidate is likely to stay on this list forever.

What to do if you are on this list?

Of course, it isn’t a good sign to be on this list anyhow. Fortunately, there are many ways to remove yourself from this list. All you need is to follow a string of reasonable practices. Here are some of them mentioned for you –

1 – Ask for a referral – If you think you failed to create that first impression, ask a friend to refer you to your dream company. Make sure your friend is an existing or former employee of the organization. This adds to your credibility while giving you a second chance to create a positive impact now.

2 – Take a pause – If you are blacklisted due to some minor reasons like – lack of specialty, then take some time to apply again. Consume this time to upgrade your skill set, attain some relevant certifications to add credibility to your resume and overall potential. This will enhance your chances of getting hired soon.

3 – Stay in touch – Even if you are blacklisted, continue to preserve your relationships with the human resource. This is one of the ways to be in their good books forever. Your rude behavior on a company blacklisting you is likely to backfire. So, why do it? After all, it takes nothing to be generous to someone.

Also read: How to Implement Salesforce Into Your Businesses?

Final conclusion –

The hiring process requires an HR professional to surf through multiple applications until s/he is familiar with the concept of ‘do-not-hire-list.’ It lets them cut short the number of applicants to proceed. Of course, this list isn’t something going to decide a potential candidate’s career growth. It’s just a list of applicants who may not be appropriate for a particular role with your organization. Fortunately, there are many ways to skip its impact on your resume.

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